I like reading. Hardcover books to be exact. I'm probably one of the least techiest people I know, well besides my husband. I never have the latest and greatest. I only recently aqcuired the iPhone following 6year olds across the country. So it's no surprise that I don't own an e-reader. The funny thing is, I doubt that I ever will. I like books. The covers, the smell of the pages, the way they transform into art on my bookshelf. I'm old fashioned.
My newest read: The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.
What a great read this is. It's not one of those "discover who you are by traveling the world unrealistically for a year because you have zero money problems and can afford to be unemployed". Gretchen's journey is a bit more realistic. She's not
unhappy in her current life, she just wants to live a happier life. I can totally relate to this, see my list per the previous post.
So upon diving into this book, I've decided to embark on my own project. In the typical behavior of an impatient person, I don't want to wait until January to begin mine. I've just gotten married, why not make this project work over the course of my first year of marriage? I also believe a good bottle of wine be required for each month.
So as Gretchen did, I shall start with outlining the things I'd like to tackle. Without neglecting my previous list of course. And with a bottle of wine.
Stay posted.